
GTC Downloads

Here you will find the General Terms and Conditions for Orders, Deliveries and Services of the Hoesch Group companies:

General Terms and Conditions HOESCH Metallurgie GmbH
General Terms and Conditions HOESCH Metals and Alloys GmbH
General Terms and Conditions HOESCH Granules GmbH

EKB Downloads

Here you will find the General Terms and Conditions of Purchase of the Hoesch Group companies:

EKB HOESCH Metallurgie GmbH
EKB HOESCH Metals and Alloys GmbH
EKB HOESCH Granules GmbH

Code of Conduct


General Terms and Conditions for Orders, Deliveries and Services of HOESCH Metallurgie in Business Transactions with Companies

November 2020

Excerpt – for the full text please refer to the downloads in the left column

1. scope of application, general

1.1 These General Terms and Conditions of Contracts, Delivery and Services (General T&Cs) apply exclusively to companies within the meaning of Section 14 of the German Civil Code (BGB) i.e. natural persons or legal entities that purchase the goods or service for commercial or professional purposes.

1.2 The terms and conditions set forth below (General T&Cs) apply exclusively to our business relations with our customers, also with respect to information and advice.

Differing general terms and conditions of the buyer and/or order- ing party, hereinafter referred to as “Customer(s)”, shall only apply if and insofar as we expressly acknowledge them in writ- ing; otherwise they shall be rejected. Our silence regarding such differing general terms and conditions shall not be deemed in particular to be acknowledgement or consent, and this shall also apply to future contracts.

Our General T&Cs apply in place of any general terms and conditions of the Customer, especially terms and conditions of purchase of the Customer, even if, according to such terms and conditions of purchase, acceptance of an order is deemed to be the unconditional acknowledgement of the terms and conditions of purchase, or we deliver, after the Customer has indicated the validity of its general terms and conditions of purchase, unless we have expressly waived the validity of our own General T&Cs vis-à-vis the Customer. Exclusion of the Customer’s general terms and conditions shall also apply if the general terms and conditions do not contain a separate provision on individual regulatory points of our General Terms and Conditions. By accepting our order confirmation or the service according to the contract, the Customer expressly recognises that it waives its legal objection derived from the terms and conditions of pur- chase that our General Terms and Conditions do not apply.

1.3 If general contracts or other contracts have been concluded with our Customers, these shall take precedence. They shall be supplemented by these General Terms and Conditions, unless more specific regulations are agreed.

1.4 If claims for damages are specified below, this shall in the same way also mean claims for the reimbursement of expenses within the meaning of Section 284 BGB.

Excerpt – for the full text please refer to the downloads in the left column

General Terms and Conditions of Purchase of HOESCH Metallurgie GmbH

November 2020

Excerpt – for the full text please refer to the downloads in the left column

1. General scope of application

Our General Terms and Conditions of Purchase shall apply exclusively. We do not recognise general terms and condi- tions of the supplier resp. contracting partner, which are con- trary to or differ from our Terms and Conditions of Purchase, in particular in the form of general terms and conditions of de- livery and sale, unless we have expressly approved their va- lidity; otherwise they shall be rejected. Our Terms and Condi- tions of Purchase shall also apply exclusively if we accept the supplier’s delivery and/or service without reservation in the knowledge of terms and conditions of the supplier which are contrary to or differ from our Terms and Conditions of Pur- chase.

Excerpt – for the full text please refer to the downloads in the left column